about us
Aquarium Creations was started in 2000 in Salt Lake City. The owner, Eric Davis, has over 15 years experience designing, building and maintaining beautiful salt and freshwater aquariums.
Aquarium Creations specializes in turning barren and sick aquariums into healthy, vibrant, colorful aquariums of all sizes for both in-home aquatic enthusiasts and businesses.
Serving southern Utah, Utah's Wasatch Front and Wyoming.
The single most important factor that has allowed us to be successful is YOU, the customer. We strive to deliver a customer-centric service program to our clients. We believe we have created a very good mix of product selection, service offerings, and pricing that is fair to you and for us. Long-term retention of customers by delivering a high quality and consistent service is the key to stability in our organization. Our costs and therefore your rates are kept consistently lower and stable for longer periods of time because experience has given us confidence that you will continue to choose Reef Tectonics for your aquarium service needs.
What people say...
Phasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis atoqm npenatibus et magniso dis parturienmontes, nasc etur ridiculu mus. Nulla dui. Fusce feugiat malsuadaod. Mor bim nunc odio, gravida...
Edna Barton, Monthly Client